Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tyler's post

I  will  play  with  my  cat  wen  I  get  home  I  will  have  fun  with  cat.

Paxton's post

my name is Paxton I like to Paly a lont ay Rees it is fun.

winter's post

My name is mister Mama.I am a baby.I have a bike.I crash all the time.I built a fort.I call it fort baby poo.My mod ow is whatever poo ya got wing it now.Like monkeys wold say.  WARNING COMEDY.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Devynn's post

in 1492 christopher columbus sailed across the ocean blue.  he thought he knew where he would go and what he would find.  but things did not turn out the way he planned


Monday, October 8, 2012

Tyler's post

My  name  is  Tyler  Volkenand .I  lick  to ride  my  bick . I  lick my cat. do you lick  your cat or dog. I  am  going  to  ride  my  bike  wen  I  get  home.I  will  have  fun  with  my   Grandma  and   Domninc  and  jacob.I  will  have  fun  with  my  Grandma.


Paxton's post

Hi my name is Paxton i like Kroty i have Frend it is name is Emma she is nice the holl  klase is nice.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Winter's post

One,s upon a time.Thar lived a farmer. Her only wish was to have one of her own born.So shy went to a which who lived  in the forest.She said plant this seed a child will sprout.Sher enough when shy woke  a child about one inch long was ling in the top as if it was a tree. But alas in the night a ugly toad from the stream near by she said: What a beautiful child. and took her home fur her suns wedding.

Devynn's post

i will ask my mom if i can go to the parade and if me and Emily can have a play will be will be sooper dooper throoper fun.

Emily's post

Hi my name is Emily. I like to read. I like bunny,s. I  Have a friend named Devynn and jaylee. I love bird,s. devynn is cute.

Jaylee's post

hi my name jaylee  and  my  bestfriend is emily   and  im in  2  grade and  i  like anamoi-

My name is Jaylee and I am in 2nd grade and  i  li eanamols   i  taink devynn  is  cute .

Andrew's post

I am go to the park
an go fishen.

Breezy's post

over  the  weeing  I  am  going  to my  cousins   house  today  my 3  cousins   are   a   girls  my 3cusin    are   boys   and  i am  playing  with  my  to  girl  cousin   we  are  playing  barbies.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

FREE Family Fun Night ~Thursday, May 31st 3:30-7:00
·        Games, Horse Rides, Face Painting & more 3:30-5:00
·        Family BBQ 5:00-6:00
·        Gazebo Dedication to Ralph Stever 5:30
·        Talent Show in the Gazebo 6:00-7:00

4th Quarter Awards Assembly will be held on the last day of school (June 1st) at 9:30 am in the gym.  Families are welcome to attend.

Last day of school on June 1st dismissal @ 11 am

Friday, April 20, 2012

Vote for an Orchard in Troy Please help Troy receive a community orchard from Dreyer's and the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation. Cast your vote for Troy on How to vote: 1. Go to 2. click on Vote Now 3. click on Sign Up Now (under Log In button) 4. find Troy on the upper corner of Montana on the map and vote for it! 5. Pass this message along to your friends, especially those with a connection to Troy and we can make this orchard happen. This could mean years of better access to locally produced nutrition for the community of Troy! Voting started today and you can vote everyday! If Troy wins an orchard, it would be planted on the elementary school grounds and tended to by the kids and community volunteers. The produce would be used to benefit the community - through the school, senior citizens center, food pantry, etc. If you happen to be a teacher and have your students vote, those votes will add up quickly!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Morrison News

Morrison NEWS

Home of the Mighty Mustangs

Where Kids Come First

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The 6th grade class is selling World’s Finest Chocolates to raise money for their Silverwood trip in May. Orders are due by March 6th and will be back in time for Easter. Please make checks payable to UCTHS.

The 6th grade will be having a Bake Sale on Friday during lunch recess

The Missoula Children’s Theatre will be presenting this year’s play, the Little Mermaid on Saturday, February 18th at 3:00 and 7:00 pm in the High School Auditorium. Admission; adults $3 and students $1

NO SCHOOL ~ Monday, February 20th

Community Appreciation Day @ Turner Mountain Ski Area on Monday, 1/20. Adults: Half Price ($18) & children under 18: Free with voucher. Pick up the MUST HAVE voucher at Kootenai Drug.

Note to Parents interested in the Upwards Basketball and Cheerleading Program:

There is a petition in the office requesting that Troy teams be allowed to practice in Troy and to allow half the games to be played in Troy. The petition needs to be signed by February 24th.

For more information contact Loni Bower @ 295-4046

Pennies for Patients fundraiser will end on February 29th. The class with the most money wins a party!

Science Fair Help! Don't wait until the last minute to begin science fair projects! The After School Program will be offering weekly help sessions starting in March. We will provide students with the opportunities they need to choose an experiment, research their topic, plan for their experimental setup, and create a data log and a presentation board. Students must be registered for the After School Program to participate - registration forms are available in the office. For more information call Maggie Anderson 295-5324.

Check out our blog for more information on the New Horizons Learning Center Logo Contest due February 27th and the Kindergarten Open House on March 6th.

Having trouble logging into the Campus Portal?

Call the office today for your personal GUID number and instructions on how to log in to the Portal.

Be able to check grades, lunch balances and update contact information

Tuesday, January 10, 2012